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2554 Shitty robots

The students of the school Gymnsieskolan Knut Hahn in Ronneby, Sweden, have been taught how to build simple robots using Little bits and trash within the EU-project Make:Learn:Share:Europe. The students then went along and taught primary school students how to build "shitty robots". The students of Gymnasieskolan Knut Hahn also taught students with migrant background who are about to enter secondary school how to make "shitty robots" as well.


Watch a clip of the student of Gymnasieskolan Knut Hahn making their own "shitty robots":


2612 CodeAdventure

The project is mainly about discovering in world of programming. It uses Scratch as the main tool.
Making Christmas cards with the use of - due Christmas.
The younger students learn from older students how to use the digital tool Scratch by receiving Christmas cards. 
Older students guide younger students in how to program educational games by creating tutorial videos.
Older students assess and review the results (games) made by the younger students. 
The students work collaboratively in mixed groups (Estonian and Norwegian students) in order to program and use educational games.
The students know the essential rules of netiquette and copyrights.

2536 Our Colourful World

The project aims to foster equity and inclusion, enabling high quality learning for all pupils. It wants to develop strategies, within a 'Cultural' theme, to increase competences in digital technology and foreign language acquisition for all pupils. Inclusion will involve foreign languages, ICT skills, Music and Drama, Art.

2611 Digital citizenship - 3Cs (connect- create - combine) eTwinning project

The e-Twinning  project “3C - Digital Citizenship” stimulated  multicultural discussion between project partners through using new technologies. It opened  the gateway to knowledge, promoting creativity and innovation for effective lifelong learning. Digital citizenship is a norm  of appropriate, responsible use of technology and it is a concept which has helped  teachers and parents to understand what students/children/technology users should know to use technology appropriately. Teachers and students have  had an entitlement to safe internet access at all times. Pulling Piaget and Papert , the use of participatory media tools in education is typically geared towards, creating a more student-centered, adaptive environment where learners  contributed to the course material, formulated and expressed their own insights and opinion, constructed their own understanding of material by connecting concepts, to personal experience or current events, and learned from one another in collaborative environments.

2508 We are the Bully Project

The Bully Project si tratta di un progetto internazionale  sul bullismo realizzato tra due classi di due scuole superiori, rispettivamente una italiana e l'altra americana, Gli obiettivi principali del progetto consistono nell'analizzare e interrogarsi sul bullismo come problematica molto diffusa nelle scuole tenendo conto delle diversità culturali degli studenti, i quali collaborano attraverso tutte le strumentazioni digitali a loro disposizione, come il blogging ,la creazione di presentazioni, la condivisione di pensieri su una bacheca virtuale come Padlet, la discussione anche tramite collegamenti via Skype. Gli studenti italiani hanno interagito con gli studenti americani per tutta la durata del progetto sempre utilizzando la lingua inglese e ciò ha aiutato molto la loro consapevolezza nel percepire la lingua come strumento di comunicazione reale e non in una situazione costruita e irreale come quella scolastica tra la docente italiana e i ragazzi. Inoltre la percezione del fenomeno del bullismo è stata notevolmente approfondita grazie ai contributi dedli studenti americani i quali hanno presentato alcune realtà molto più violente rispetto alla scuola italiana di provenienza degli studenti. Da un punto di vista della competenza digitale tale progetto ha permesso agli studenti di utilizzare nuove piattaforme  digitali affinando la loro capacità di comunicazione e di rispetto delle regole di netiquette.







2481 Robottando Skills Together

Sviluppo delle buone idee degli studenti potenziando le capacità di collaborazione grazie alla tecnologia digitale ed alla manualità progettuale, perché la messa a punto di robot e la costruzione di circuiti di gara con materiale forex ha stimolato la creatività, la curiosità e le relazioni degli studenti.

2643 MineSchool - un modo diverso per imparare

Studiare (video)giocando con gli Insegnati

2473 Earthquake Simulator

Students, using 3D printers and laser cutters, created a model of an area of Italy (it can be done with any other area of the world, of course). The most important part students had to work on is not the surface but the layers of rocks below ground level: they reproduced the faults where two layers of rocks meet. Then, using a little motor (12 Volts, DC) connected to one of the layers, they simulated the presure of one layer on the other one: the pressure increases, slowly yet relentlessly, as it is controlled by a knob (a potentiometer). When the pressure is enough and reaches the trigger point, these two layers of rocks slide and the pressure is released, altogether, which makes the soil shake. Students also added sensors that measure the pressure and the amount of shaking. This interesting and educational project involves art (3D design, coloring), science (geology), math (measuring pressure and scaling it), technology (using motors, wires, Arduino), and engineering (putting the project together): a full STEAM project!

2538 2016, Ano Internacional dos PULSES

Students from America, Asia, Africa and Europe celebrate the International Year of Pulses 2016

