
A look at the Global Junior Challenge Projects.

A look at the Global Junior Challenge Projects.

Registration deadline: Sept. 20; introducing the Tullio De Mauro Award.

A look at the Global Junior Challenge Projects.

A look at the Global Junior Challenge Projects.

#GJC2017 A look at the Global Junior Challenge Projects.

A look at the Global Junior Challenge Projects.

A look at the Global Junior Challenge Projects.

One of the projects participating in the 8th edition of the Global Junior Challenge is called "Opzione R" and is coordinated by Donatella Falciai, Professor of Mathematics and Physics at the Liceo Democrito in Rome.

Paolo Cutini, English Teacher at the Convitto Regina Margherita in Anagni (Frosinone), and his students developed CTRadio, a web radio that produces live shows and educational podcasts. The project will participate in the 8th edition of the Global Junior Challenge.
